Cuba Rejects the Complicity of U.S. with the Anti-Cuban Terrorism

Cuban Embassy in Washington, Sept 2024 Photo: Archives

October 4, 2024 Hour: 9:31 pm

The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) rejected on Friday acts of complicity by the United States with anti-Cuban terrorism.

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The repudiation comes after the release of Alexander Alazo, who, in 2020, fired 32 rounds at the building of the Cuban embassy in the United States while 7 members of the Cuban diplomatic staff were inside the building.

The MINREX issued a statement stating that “This action, perpetrated on a central avenue of Washington D.C., the US capital, against a diplomatic mission, with the stated purpose of causing damage, would qualify as a terrorist act in any country of the world. But that is not the case in the United States, much less when this is about a violent action against Cuba”.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also highlighted the American refusal to recognize the act as a terrorist act, added to this,  “At any one time did it have the intention to prosecute the perpetrator as a terrorist, despite the fact that the nature of his actions is explicitly typified in the US legislation against that scourge,”.

Oficial Statement by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry also noted, ” The record of the United States government as perpetrator or tolerant accomplice of terrorism and violent acts against Cuba is too well known. The protection and support to notorious terrorists is part of the conduct sheet of that country”.

It is necessary to recall that the perpetrator of the shooting against the Cuban Embassy in Washington was not declared “criminally liable”, after an evaluation with a psychiatrist, in alliance with the defense lawyers, and was found not guilty.

In response to this, Cuban diplomacy stated, ” The authorities of the justice system of that country would rather ignore the evidence on the links and contacts Alazo kept with groups and individuals based in South Florida which have a background of aggressive actions against Cuba, including the instigation of violence and terrorism.”.

Since 1959, Cuba has been the target of terrorist attacks organized from South Florida and other parts of the world, these attacks have left a balance of “3,478 Cuban dead and 2099 injured with disabilities” to date, according to MINREX.

In the words of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, “The country has maintained a firm and categorical stand against that scourge, including State terrorism, and has the duty to demand from the US government a serious, responsible and honest behavior when such an action is committed against the Cuban embassy and the Cuban designated staff”.

Autor: CC

Fuente: CubaMinrex

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